The InfinEights series are films about superhero children stealthily saving the planet from destruction, written and directed by Thida Nathalie. Each film is unique in that its motives are not only to merge fact and fiction in a blend of docu-fantasy storytelling, but practically designed to give back to a local children’s charity in the country where it was shot making The InfinEights both visually stimulating and socially impactful.


BRIGHT LIKE THE SUN: A Gatekeeper’s Story

First of the InfinEights





Kaung Myat Htun (gong mee-at tuun) is a superhero that lives in stealth. A traditionally obedient Burmese boy in a family of tailors, he goes about his day exploring Myanmar’s golden pagodas, whilst gradually revealing that he is no ordinary human child.



What are people saying?


filmreview filmfestival beyondthecurve scenema




I loved how it embraced the view point of a child in a difficult part of the world whereyou capture his innocence and the ability to rememebr a time before being born, to a time where they are still able to feel that time, so to transition space and the stars, as he still sees it true.
— Tamer Ismail
The world presented is intriguing, the flow of the film very sweet and light. And this boy makes one curious what will one day become of him.
— Ra
The storytelling itself is magical. A kind of magic which is beyond trickery or deception. A magic that is alluring and fills one with a feeling of glee. The feeling is enchanting. We are hypnotically transferred to the world away from the cacophony of the one we inhabit…The director does an impeccable job of creating a world of stunning and captivating visuals. The entire story is told in an adroit fashion with so much left to be meditated upon and contemplate about life by the end of it….
— Beyond The Curve International Film Festival (BCIFF)





PAUS.TV: 24-hour exclusive online screening



Direct messages to friends and family


Give Back



AFTER: Networking and Fundraiser Screening in New Malden






A five-year-old boy goes about his day, soon revealing that he is no ordinary human child.


Kaung Myat Htun (gong mee-at tuun) is a superhero that lives in stealth. A traditionally obedient Burmese boy coming from a family of tailors, he goes about his day, sharing the content of his electric mind and exploring ancient golden pagodas of which Myanmar is famous for, whilst gradually revealing that he is no ordinary human child.




What I love most about my job is turning imagination into reality on screen. On this film I had quite a unique task of applying these special effects to documentary-style footage in order to create surrealism. One day, I hope my VFX will one day been seen in Hollywood 🙂


Magdalena Jakubowska | VOICE ARTIST | ILAWA

I was asked to record a light-language song for this project. Singing light-language is a spontaneous act for me, and being able to translate this for the world through unity with film has ben an exciting part of my mission.



I am really happy to see my work going into something that supports a children’s charity. Even though it took a long time to get the animation as requested, it was great to work so closely with a director. The mainstream industry takes a lot of our work without giving us credit, so I am really pleased to have my name on this film.



Kaung Myat Htun “Superhero”

Daw Khin Shwe “Grandma”

Soe Aung Thu Lin “Friend #1”

Htun Zay Yar Lin “Friend #2”

Zaw Nyi Nyi Moe “Uncle”

Aye Thander Chit “Graffiti girl”


Shooting Bright Like The Sun with our small team



Andrea Caudana Sound Design

Khin Phone Myat Thu Translator

Ludovic Balloux Ariel Camera

Thida Nathalie Director & Camera



Whilst traveling, I make film for sustainable and alternative lifestyles around the world. I met Thida during a volunteer project in Myanmar, where I helped her capture footage with my drone. I hope to continue traveling and create longer films in the future.



I loved this film as it was so down-to-earth and genuine. Film scoring is a fruitful collaboration between you and the director, and working with Thida is always great fun as she works hard to represent marginalised people and bring everyone together.




Upcoming InfinEights

We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without your support. Every InfinEights film is crowdfunded, with money we make beyond our budget going directly to the chosen cause for each production. If you’d like to support our filmmaking please sign up to the newsletter and we’ll message you when our Kickstarter and all its goodies are ready!


Director’s Statement

Thida is a die-hard nomad, infatuated with human stories, who has been diving into narrative since teaching herself how to use a mirrorless DSLR and sound recorder in 2015. Integrating into over 20 countries and counting, she has developed a huge curiosity for the characters, places, norms and cultures that she befriends along the way.

Bright Like The Sun is Thida’s first fiction film; an experimental, docu-fiction low-budget, opening up a co-creative space between herself and the locality as she is filming. While travelling in the torn country of Myanmar, she met her young star and instantly faced challenges of pressures on time and equipment. Yet, refusing to give up, this opened an opportunity to grow her incredibly fluid process and intimate relationship between the subject and filmmaker. The most significant challenge was working in a guerrilla fashion when censorship in Myanmar is at an all-time high, and just carrying a camera is enough reason to be arrested. In this context, Kuang Myat Htun’s story is incredibly elevated. The story ultimately became the first in a series with a similar intention of elevating young characters to otherworldly superheroes, whatever their fate may appear to be.

Her second film, Auria Rides Time, has finished shooting in the UK and is in crowdfunding for Post-Production presently.